Train at home But not alone

Because not everyone has the opportunity or desire to attend group training classes, we also work remotely with clients who prefer a more tailored and independent approach to training. Our Personalized Programming and Remote Training Package is available to individuals living in the Madison area who exercise primarily at home or in a commercial gym.

If you prefer to exercise at home or in a conventional gym setting but think you could benefit from working with a coach, this package might be right for you. Some folks have irregular work or family schedules that make it difficult to attend our group training classes. Others have specific training requirements best satisfied through personal programming and one-on-one training. If either scenario reflects your situation, schedule a free consultation with a Sanctify coach to find out if this package makes sense for you. 

The Sanctify Personalized Programming and Remote Training Package features a strength and conditioning program customized to meet your goals and needs. In addition, you will meet twice monthly with your coach for one-on-one training sessions. Between private training sessions, your coach will regularly check in with you to make sure you are staying on track. 

Our Personalized Programming and Remote Training Package Includes:

  1. Individual programming unique to your needs and access to equipment

  2. Regular check-ins with your coach

  3. Twice monthly personal training sessions

  4. Access to our private online community


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