Travis Haley


I love CrossFit. I love it for its malleability and adaptability. I love how it can be so many different things to so many different people. For some, it is the foundation to their health and exercise program and, for others, it is simply the cross-training that they do a couple times a week to “fill in the gaps” left by their other fitness/sporting pursuits (i.e. running, skiing, badminton?). Some of our athletes (yes, everyone is considered an athlete here) come to the gym for the community that it offers and serves as an emotional anchor during turbulent times while others are here to get off their blood pressure medications, ensure that they have a healthy back and physical independence through their golden years. These individuals can be working out alongside a competitive athlete preparing for the CrossFit Games season who views CrossFit as much as a sport as they do a strength and conditioning program.

The beautifully simple WOD (Workout of the Day) can be measured, tweaked, and personalized for all them . . . and everyone gets/gives high-fives and fist bumps when it’s done.

These are the things that have kept me coming back to CrossFit for 15 years. I was first introduced to it by my Chief in the Navy when he learned I was interested in the Special Operations Program. I dabbled for a few years, but it never really stuck until I found a real box (that’s CrossFit language for “gym”) at Naval Air Station-Sigonella. It was there that I saw how CrossFitting just a couple days per week to supplement my long-distance running obsession could totally change my physique, performance, and most importantly, my durability.

That was 2012, and I’ve been coaching CrossFit ever since. I consider myself tremendously fortunate and grateful to CrossFit for giving me the opportunity to do what I love, coaching across the country and across the world. I’ve had the privilege of coaching soldiers, soccer moms, seniors, and professional athletes, oftentimes, all at once. My favorite thing is getting to know each and every one of them and then working with them to make sure that they get just what they need out of their workout on just that day (because the next day could be wildly different!).


  • B.S. Kinesiology and Anthropology

  • M.S. Exercise Physiology (in progress)

  • CrossFit Level 3 Trainer

  • CrossFit Specialty Courses (Mobility, Weightlifting, Gymnastics, Strongman, and Masters Trainer)

  • CrossFit Judges Course 2014-2023

  • National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) - Certified Strength

    and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS)

  • Movement and Mobility Coach (The Ready State / M|Wod)

  • Dark Horse and Concept2 Indoor Rowing Instructor