WOD: Tuesday 240319

Good luck not getting lost during this one.

• Coaching Notes

Today, we are getting after a fun max rep finisher for each round in an interval scheme of 3 minutes on / 90 seconds off. This allows for high intensity and consistency to build our high end aerobic capacity. Note that we are starting with Strict Pull-Ups, which is a more muscular endurance element before moving into the Walking Lunge, so the heart rate really feels this one more on the lunges and the machines. We have dictated that you will alternate between machines each round and this can really help with class management as you can have ½ the class start on the Echo and ½ start on the Row, then alternate round to round to deal with any equipment limitations within your gym. We also have included a 1:30 rest between rounds, so you could possibly start on a 2:15 delay which would be halfway until the next round starting for each group to allow another group to work into the mix on the machines.

metcon: "Front For Show, Back for Go"

In 3 mins, for max reps of:

18/12 Strict Pull-ups

Dumbbell Front Rack Walking Lunge, 50/35 lbs, 50 ft

Max reps in remaining time Bike Calories

Rest 1:30

In 3 mins, for max reps of:

15/10 Strict Pull-ups

Dumbbell Front Rack Walking Lunge, 50/35 lbs, 50 ft

Max reps in remaining time Row Calories

Rest 1:30

In 3 mins, for max reps of:

12/8 Strict Pull-ups

Dumbbell Front Rack Walking Lunge, 50/35 lbs, 50 ft

Max reps in remaining time Bike Calories

Rest 1:30

In 3 mins, for max reps of:

9/6 Strict Pull-ups

Dumbbell Front Rack Walking Lunge, 50/35 lbs, 50 ft

Max reps in remaining time Row Calories

Rest 1:30

In 3 mins, for max reps of:

6/4 Strict Pull-ups

Dumbbell Front Rack Walking Lunge, 50/35 lbs, 50 ft

Max reps in remaining time Bike Calories

Rest 1:30

In 3 mins, for max reps of:

3/2 Strict Pull-ups

Dumbbell Front Rack Walking Lunge, 50/35 lbs, 50 ft

Max reps in remaining time Row Calories


3 rounds for quality of:

10 L/10 R Staggered Stance Dumbbell Romanian Deadlifts, pick load

10 L/10 R Single Arm Dumbbell Rows, pick load

10 Slider Hamstring Curls

10 Dumbbell Zottman Curls, pick load

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