WOD: Tuesday 240402

Unfortunately today’s workout is not a joke. April fools’ day was yesterday.

• Coaching Notes

The focus today is on monostructural conditioning and building the top end of our aerobic engine. The goal with each interval is to achieve the fastest overall time and develop the ability to increase pace and descend splits even when discomfort sets in. The overall goal and effort here is to be at a pace that is around our mile run effort to finish each set, which will definitely hurt. Hit the row at a strong 3-5k style pace, work for unbroken double unders, before tackling the run at a very hard and fast clip. The focus is the run today and lean into the ability to push the pace here. We have 2:00 minutes rest between sets to allow for consistency of effort.

metcon: "Middle Child"

4 rounds for time of:

Row, 400 m

40 Double Unders

Run, 400 m

Rest 2 mins

Time Domain: Men: 20:00-25:00

Women: 21:00-26:00

Time Cap: 30:00 minutes


3 rounds for quality of:

2x [ 8 Single Leg Barbell Hip Thrusts + Single Leg Hip Thrust Hold, 10 secs ], pick load

Paloff Hold, L 30 secs/R 30 secs

Weighted Sorenson Hold, pick load, 40 secs

WOD Postalex burgyWOD